Проверено INVITRO

by Retailiqa



The service will allow you to increase the level of sanitary-epidemiological safety and compliance with corporate standards at the enterprise, using the remote control capabilities, as well as reduce the risk of fines being imposed when passing inspections by regulatory authorities.The main functionality of the service:• Provides remote control over compliance with sanitary and corporate standards• Fixes the values ​​of control points of key indicators in a single system• Generates objective analytical data for the evaluation of personnel activities in the controlled areas• Teaches staff to follow standards without interrupting operations• Advises on compliance with sanitary legislation• Generates an expert report on compliance with sanitary legislation (upon request)• Allows you to prepare for the inspection of RosPotrebNadzorWhat is included in the composition:• Electronic mobile monitoring systemPersonalized online service will allow you to implement an individual check-list system for each object of your business and allow you to monitor in real time• Normative baseA unified information environment will allow you to regularly maintain knowledge of the production processes of your staff and to easily train new employees• ExpertiseThe staff of highly qualified experts of INVITRO will solve complex problems, based on many years of experience, optimizes the efforts of employees aimed at the implementation of sanitary legislationControl the observance of SanPiNs, corporate and other standards, personnel activities and analyze data in one service from anywhere.